Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Week 11 - Halting

Dear Blog,

This week was relatively short in CSC 165 because we had a break on the Monday and Tuesday, but we were introduced to a new concept, one that I find particularly difficult, and that was halting. Basically, a program halts if it returns control to the user. If it loops infinitely, then it did not halt. An error is even considered a halt.

Professor Heap spoke about how it is impossible to create a function that is able to check whether or not another function will halt. This concept is pretty difficult for me to grasp.

Also, I got Assignment 2 back and my group did not do as well as we had hoped at all. Overall, not the best week in CSC165. We are trying to get a good head start on Assignment 3 so we can study and be prepared for the final.

Wish me luck!



  1. Good luck! Assignment 2 was pretty brutal, but the last part of this course does not seem like it will be as difficult, except maybe for the halt stuff.
