Monday, December 1, 2014

Other Slogs


This will be a short blog because I just wanted to express some disappointment in my blog. Throughout the term, I would check other slogs to maybe gain some new insight or see how other people are finding the course material but almost all of the slog URLs that I clicked on contained 1 or 2 entries. It was tough to find some interesting information.

In other news, my group and I just handed in assignment 3. The last couple of questions were definitely difficult. I found it extremely difficult proving that there exists a function that is not in big O(g) and not in big Omega(g). I had to create a piecewise function for g and I hope my answer sufficed. Proofs involving limits on that assignment also confused me quite a bit. It is just the structure of the proof that I struggle with. Other than that, I will just be focused on the finals for all of my courses, especially this one as it is the most important. I need a good mark in this course to get into the CS subject post.

Wish me luck!


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