Monday, November 3, 2014


Dear Blog,

           Recently in CSC165:  Mathematical Expression and Reasoning for Computer Science, we have been learning about how to count the steps of sorting algorithms, the worst case scenarios of algorithms and the "Big-Oh". The week started off a big confusing, there were a lot of variable involved with counting steps but as we progressed, it became more clear to me. Counting steps basically involves counting the total amount of steps an algorithm takes to sort a set, usually we will count the total amount of steps it would take the worst case scenario of the algorithm to perform. For example if we wanted a set sorted from least to greatest, the worst case scenario would be if it started in order from greatest to least.

          Big-Oh of n^2 basically shows how all quadratic functions grow at roughly the same speed. The worst case scenario can be an overestimate or an underestimate. I will elaborate more when I have more time. For now, I have to focus on my term test. 

Thank you,

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