Sunday, October 26, 2014

Finishing With Proofs

Hello Readers,

            Recently in CSC165, we have finished learning about proofs. And although they are quite difficult, once you finish a proof correctly, it is really rewarding. Some different types of proofs we learned about were:
  • Proving Existence (Proving that a set is non-empty)
  • Proving a Claim About a Sequence (define a sequence and then prove something about that sequence)
  • Contradiction, which is a special case of contrapositive. 
  • Non-boolean Functions, expressing a proof about a function that returns a non-boolean value (e.g: number, integer)
  • Proof By Cases (splitting you arguments to show all possibilities)
  • Proving Something False (Prove the negation of the claim)
  • Proof About Limits (you usually have to pick a certain value to make the proof work)
            There are definitely many other types of proofs but these are the main ones we have learned. Assignment 2 is all about proofs, and I hope to do well on that with the same partners I worked with last time. 

            Since finishing with proofs, we have started learning about sorting strategies. This concept is not new to me because I learned many different sorting algorithms in my grade 12 computer science class, so I'm hoping this will not be too challenging for me. I am quite confident with the different types of sorts, especially:
  • Insertion Sort:  Each iteration, insertion sort removes one element from the data, inserts it where it belongs in the list and repeats until everything is sorted.
  • Bubble Sort: Repeated checks each pair of adjacent items in the data and switches them if they are out of order, quite inefficient for big lists
  • Selection Sort: Cycles through the entire list looking for the next item in the list and once it knows which item to take, places it in the correct position.
I do not know much about mergesort and quicksort, but I do know they are very efficient so I can't wait to learn about them! 

          CSC165 is still my most challenging class, but also still my favourite class. I will keep you updated on how the unit on sorts turns out and how I will be preparing for my next term test. Thanks for reading!


  1. "Since finishing with proofs..."

    You're never finished with proofs. You'll see their applications through most of mathematical sciences, and CS is up there.
